Clearly Superior Technologies

> NOTE: Used only in Linux, your experience may differ on other operating systems

I bought this used from eBay on 2024/04/22

Contour Classic Mouse Wired, large Left Handed

Compared to the Kensington expert and orbital, this ball is noticeably heavire so keep that in mind


> NOTE: There is a model with a scroll/roller wheel.


My version does not have said scroll wheel or the additional three button, that allows you to connect more button.

Unto itself I don't consider this a negative, however how the CST trackball manages scrolling bothers me. Press the green button (not a 'middle' click button) once and you can sort of scroll.

Depending on what program you have open, all text is highlighted and you need to move the ball significantly more to scroll down.

If you hold it for three seconds, then you have perfect scrolling. Although, I haven't used the roller wheel on other models, I'd much rather use the ball to scroll.

From Emily,

> If you hold the middle button for 3 seconds it enables scrolling Then cancels if you press another key But you can solder a jumper wire inside to enable it with 1 press - just at the expense of middle click

To scoll, you have Item: 19.99 Postage: 6

Should you buy

Current verdict: 2024/04/30,

Hard yes. If you have patience keep your eyes peeled for the alternate version as I think the possibilites with the three ports are endless. These are no longer being produced by CST.

Lineup with other trackballs

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